Bodies of 6 Hamas hostages kidnapped alive rescued from Gaza during IDF raid

The bodies of Avraham Munder, Yagev Buchshtab, Chaim Peri, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell and  Alex Dancyg  were recovered overnight in the IDF operation

Over ten months after being abducted during the horrific events of October 7, along with his wife, daughter, and only grandson, the Munder family received the devastating news that Avraham Munder was murdered while in captivity. His nephew shared with the Kan public broadcaster that theIDF had recovered his body from a tunnel in Khan Younis and returned it to Israeli soil. Kibbutz Nir Oz also announced that the bodies of Yagev Buchshtab, Chaim Peri, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell and Alex Dancyg' fellow kibbutz members who were killed, had been retrieved from Gaza and brought back to Israel.
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נדב פופלוול, בוכשטב יגב, יורם מצגר, חיים פרי, אברהם מונדר, אלכס דנציג
נדב פופלוול, בוכשטב יגב, יורם מצגר, חיים פרי, אברהם מונדר, אלכס דנציג
Nadav Popplewell, Yagev Buchshtab, Yoram Metzger, Chaim Peri, Abraham Munder, Alex Dancyg
(Photos: Courtesy of the families)
A statement from Kibbutz Nir Oz expressed their profound sorrow over the murder of Avraham Munder, noting he endured months of physical and mental torture. Munder, 79, a cherished member of Kibbutz Nir Oz, was abducted alongside his wife Ruti, his daughter Keren, and his sole grandson, nine-year-old Ohad, who were later released in a deal. His son Roi was killed during the massacre.
Avraham Munder worked at the Nirlat plant and was known for his warm personality and love of singing. The Kibbutz noted his "clear voice, warm smile, and boundless love for his family and kibbutz will always be remembered."
Yagev Buchshtab, 35, was taken on the morning of October 7 from Kibbutz Nir Oz along with his wife Rimon, 36, who was released at the end of November in the first hostage deal after spending 53 days in captivity. Communication with Yagev's parents, who lived nearby, was lost on the morning of October 7 while they too were hiding in a shelter. Hours later, when Yagev's father arrived at the couple's apartment with military forces, it was found empty, with bullets on the floor. Their five dogs and four cats were also missing. Last month, IDF informed his family that Yagev was killed in the Gaza Strip during military operations in Khan Younis, and that his body is held by Hamas.
Nadav Popplewell, 51, was abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz. The kibbutz described him as a quiet and sensitive man, a gifted computer expert, and a lover of books and science fiction. He was a devoted son and brother and a loving uncle. Nadav was taken from his home's shelter along with his mother, Hannah Perry, who was released after 49 days in captivity. His older brother Roi was murdered on October 7. A video of Popplewell from captivity was released on May 11, showing him with facial injuries. Shortly thereafter, IDF determined Popplewell was killed in Khan Younis, likely from indirect IDF fire.
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סיור עצוב בניר עוז, אחד מכל ארבעה חברים נרצח, נחטף או נעדר
סיור עצוב בניר עוז, אחד מכל ארבעה חברים נרצח, נחטף או נעדר
The destruction in Nir Oz
(Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)
Kibbutz Nir Oz has also announced that the body of 80-year-old Yoram Metzger has also been retrieved from Gaza. Metzger, who had once worked in a paint factory and later at an auto garage, was abducted along with his wife Tami, who was released in the hostage exchange in November.
The kibbutz has emphasized this recovery underscores the critical need for a deal to bring back their captured community members as swiftly as possible, stressing the urgency with the phrase "before it is too late." They also expressed hope that no soldiers were harmed during the operation, emphasizing that while retrieving the bodies is significant, it should not come at the cost of endangering troops.
Chaim Peri's body was also retrieved. Peri, whose family celebrated his 80th birthday amid the conflict, joined Kibbutz Nir Oz with the Tzabar group back in 1962. He was a husband to Osnat, a father of five, and a grandfather of 13 grandchildren. Known as an entrepreneur and a humanist, Chaim served as a moral compass and peace advocate. On October 7, he was abducted from his home, during which he managed to save his wife Osnat, who was sheltering in the safe room.
Alex Danzig, 76, was a father of four and grandfather of 13. He immigrated to Israel in 1957 and arrived at Kibbutz Nir Oz, where he worked in agriculture and managed the irrigation department, taught generations of students at the Ma'ale Hashur school, and in 1986 decided to dedicate his life to teaching about the Holocaust and creating a dialogue between Jews and Poles.
Hostages and Missing Families Forum said in a statement: "The recovery of the bodies of Abraham, Alex, Haim, Yagav, Yoram and the late Nadav is an important process that allows their families a necessary closing of the circle and eternal rest for the murdered. The State of Israel has a moral and ethical obligation to return all the murdered to a dignified burial, and all of the hostages alive for rehabilitation - the immediate return of all 109 hostages will only be possible through a deal. The Israeli government, with the help of the mediators, must do everything to sign the deal that is now on the table.'
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